Thursday, January 12, 2012

If you fail to plan....

Person A: My grandfather knew the exact day he was going to die.
Person B: Really?  What an enlightened guy.  How did he know?
Person A:  it was the day the judge set his execution.

Yikes.  We’ve all heard if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.  In our workouts that truth is exactly the same.  The nice thing about a plan is that it’s focused enough to get us the results we want but its flexible enough to bend with inevitable hiccups along the way.  

Life often throws us interesting curve balls.  Sometimes the full hour we’ve given ourselves to work out can be reduced by ½ because of outside commitments (work, personal relationships, or other serendipitous events) that force us to make concessions.  This now becomes an opportunity, if you’re prepared.  Some of the best workouts I’ve had have been time shortened forcing me to take less rest in order to accomplish the same amount of work.   

However, I’m often surprised how often I actually accomplish my goals when I plan on accomplishing them.  That’s not to say, I think it and it becomes real.  Rather, I’m saying, I plan on working on my goal regularly and sure enough: I do!  

I want to encourage all of you to take time every week (I typically do it at the end of the week) and plan out the next week.  Determine the important priorities and SCHEDULE them into your life.  I hope you include some physical activity or even some formal workouts.  When you take control of your schedule, you schedule your accomplishments.

Mo-tate.  Motivate your life to Motion!

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